Author Archives: Brittany Taylor

My Raw Transformation

In April of 2012 I made what would become one of the most profound changes this lifetime and I went raw. More accurately put, as soon as I learned that there was an even healthier alternative to how I was eating at the time (and not feeling great), I jumped on the opportunity and adopted a low fat raw vegan diet overnight.

After over a year-and-a-half following a low fat raw vegan diet, I have had a whole host of truly epic changes that I could not be more thrilled about. My health and fitness levels are still continually improving in leaps and bounds and I can only imagine what the future has in store for my secret hobby which is boxing. I honestly love it and I had this Nice idea for Boxing to imporove my strength. The other day I saw roids – steroids for sale which are great for weight loss, I think everyone should check them out.

Click on the picture below to enlarge it and learn more about my raw transformation.

raw transformation

Raw Vegan Thanksgiving Feast

Living in Austin, TX (at least for this month) certainly has it perks. Actually, it has so many advantages that I am tempted to call it my favorite city in the world, but that’s a blog post for another day. One of the perks of Austin is that it seems to draw eclectic, like-minded people together from all around the globe and one of those such groups of people is the raw vegan community.

I was excited when I realized I would be in Austin for Thanksgiving and promptly found out what the other fruit and veggie lovers were planning. The result was an epic potluck with amazing treats. Check out what we enjoyed.

Greens with Carrot-Ginger Dressing

Raw Lasagna (Recipe In my Book)



Durian & Fresh Coconuts

Banana-Persimmon-Date Pie
(Recipe Here)
persimmon pie







We also had the lovely treat of live entertainment from fellow fruit-lover Sean.

Potlucks are a great way to get together and relate with others. Everyone feels like they are a part of the gathering because they have brought something to contribute, and that way it is not too much work for any one person to pull together.

There is no need to wait for a holiday to plan a potluck either. Get a group of loved ones together and start planning a gathering! Create an event on Facebook or check out Evite to send an invitation for an easy and fun way to keep everything organized.

Time For A Quick Reset

Sometimes I find that I just need to reset. As spoken by Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Life today DOES happen fast, and sometimes despite our best of intentions we find ourselves reeling to keep up. What I have found is that instead of chasing life by the tail, sometimes it is best just to take a time out.

Certain days a five minute breather does the trick and at other times a whole day would be more appropriate. The idea is to do this often enough that we don’t ever feel the need for an epic vacation because we are living such ideal lives that we would never dream of vacating them. However, if you are super overwhelmed with where your life is, setting aside a time to retreat and reset for as long as you can – week, a month, a year – may just be the hiatus from a not-ideal reality that you need to start the new, intentional life you want to be living.

Yesterday I took a time out, a short one, just for a couple hours. I donned my backpack, got on my bike, and set out for some green space. I have found my needs are pretty simple in terms of what I require for a quick reset.

Although my reset varies depending on what is calling me at the time, there are a few things that it generally seems to incorporate.

1. Finding some place out in nature where I can be quiet and alone.
2. Finding a comfortable place to lay on the earth.
3. Breathing clean, fresh air.
4. Taking a few rounds of slow, deep breaths.
5. Stretching my body.
6. Visualizing something that fills me with joy.
7. Filling my thoughts with the many things I experience that I am grateful for.
8. Appreciating myself, making a mental list.
9. Doing some light mental or physical organizing.
10. Imagining and embodying spaciousness.

Yesterday when I got to my green space, I first climbed a tree. I spent some time laying in a comfortable nook breathing in the fresh fall air, being grateful for the strong limbs supporting me, and for the beautiful day I was experiencing. When I climbed down I moved my body around, doing some playing and stretching, continually clearing my mind clear of any mental clutter that tried to creep in. When it felt like time, I laid down in the grass and filled my mind appreciation, first for taking the time to reset, and then gratitude for all the other pieces of my joyful existence. I smiled and soaked in the gratitude filling my body with happiness and ease. I reminded myself that I could come back to this feeling place at anytime. I decided that when I returned home I would clean and organize my space, make a nice simple meal and enjoy it in mindful silence. Then I would do two items on my “to do” list that I had since gained inspiration about and spend the rest of my night playing, and that is just what I did.

Could you benefit from taking time for a quick reset? What would that entail for you? How much time would be ideal for you to set aside? Can you take it now or schedule it into your life? You deserve to feel reset and refreshed. If you are looking to the world for permission, I believe you just found it here, within yourself.

In Self We Trust…Or Do We?

Lately I have been becoming more intimate with the concept of trusting myself. Maybe it was my latest read: Liz Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love or just the general circumstances of my life at the moment, but I have been coming to understand more and more how important it is to me to be able to trust myself fully. And do I? That is the million dollar question.

It usually quickly becomes apparent when we have a friend or family member in our lives that we don’t trust completely. We learn who the ones are that arrive late, the ones that break plans, the ones that have a new fad diet each week and so on. But we do not so often look inward to see which untrustworthy qualities we ourselves identify with. I have decided to venture inward and see what I find.

There are people in my life that I do not consider reliable and I am sure this is a common tale. I do not love the unreliables any less or even feel hurt when they go back on their word (after having come to expect it), however to some extent I do feel that my friendship with these people has grown as much as it can in many respects. A relationship with little-to-no growth potential is not something I am really looking for this lifetime. This truth has been easy enough for me to realize when looking at the friendships I have surrounding me, however before recently I had never thought to consider this in regards to the ultimate relationship: the one I have with myself.

Upon further analysis I have found that there are certain things I do (or better put, things I do NOT do) that leave me feeling disappointed. Hm, I wonder why. Well, diving deeper I have found that they tend to have a common link. For example, here are a few common things that I have thought lately:

  1. “Well, another day has gone by and we still do not have a new home. This is so lame and frustrating. Well, maybe we can just live out of our plywood trailer…”
  2. “Why did I eat that? And right before bed? Hm, I better get up and start doing some push-ups or heavy rhythmic dance moves to burn it off. On second thought, my head-bang would probably wake up my hosts. I’ll start the dancing in the morning instead. Or I’ll just eat better tomorrow…”
  3. “Sh**! How did it get to be so late without doing my (daily) squats? It looks like another midnight session is in my future.”
  4. “I’ll definitely write that blog entry this week! Yea, I’ll do that right after I look into that student loan repayment plan…”

If these thoughts were coming from a friend of mine, it would be easier for me to see them for what I think they really are. So let me have an out of body experience for a moment and look in on these thoughts from the outside. My mental answers would be something like this:

  1. Ok, you do not have a home yet. You need to make peace with the fact that you are still in the process of seeing where your next move will be and trust that everything will turn out just as it should. If my living companion does not have a job and you do not have home by “X” day, you will get one in the place that appeals to you the most and start your new life there. Now let it go.
  2. You are right, getting your groove on in the wee hours of the night while everyone else in the house sleeps is not a great idea. What would be a better idea is to take a deep breath before you want to eat something in the future and see whether or not it is in line with your greatest desires, one of which is having a beautifully clean body. BUZZZZ- TIP: If you have to stop and think that hard, it’s usually NOT in line with your greatest desires.
  3. The good news is that you are sticking to your daily goal of getting your squats done. You know (ie you TRUST) you will do them every day, so that is a good thing. But you want to trust that you will do them earlier in the day. So you have to do this really complicated thing: Do them earlier. That’s the ticket. Just set a timer and do them. Don’t procrastinate. Just get them done, then move on.
  4. Ok, stop right there, buddy. Putting anything on your list AFTER a student loan is a sure-fire way of never getting to it. So I ask you, do you like blogging? I know you do. So find a time that you generally enjoy putting your thoughts into words, decide on a frequency, put it in your calendar and hold yourself accountable. Then do it. Every time it comes up in your calendar. If it turns out you are not enjoying it, change the frequency or omit it from your life all together. But you can leave the drama behind about deciding you want to do it and not doing it, because that is just silly.

Suddenly, when I’m talking to the “friend-me” I’m such the expert. It all seems so simple. But wait now, if it seems so simple, why can’t it be? The truth is, it can. Things are either as simple or challenging as we say and believe they are. My squats are a 2.5 to 3 minute endeavor each day. What is so intimidating about 3 minutes, even if it does end with sore thighs and huffing and puffing? The more important thing to remember is that it ends with stronger thighs and a better-feeling me.

So, lately when I have been having these disappointing thoughts, I have been diving deeper and asking myself the following questions after a thought comes up:

How do you feel right now?
Do you enjoy feeling this way?
Why do you feel let down in this moment?
Is there a way that you could fix this right now or in the future?
What would you gain if you changed this old pattern that is not serving you anymore?
Would you trust yourself more if you stuck to the goals you set out to achieve (keeping in mind to always set goals that are achievable and in line with your greatest desires)?
How would it feel to trust yourself completely?

…How would it feel to trust myself completely? Holy sh…it would feel FANTASTIC! I want that! I can have that. We can all have that.

Today, I am working on trusting myself completely.
Because I want to grow in my relationship with myself.
Because want to achieve all that I know I can.
Because I do not want to go to bed at night with feelings of discontentment about how I lived my day. Or even more so, someday, my life.

I think in the end, this little experiment and more so this philosophy comes full circle. Trusting myself completely will bring about more trust-worthy people and situations. For something to manifest externally it must first begin internally, right?

Thanks for coming along for this post of self-analysis. I want to leave you with that same ultimate question. Do you trust yourself completely? If not, how would you feel if you did? How would you feel to know that giving yourself your word meant it was as good as done? You owe it to yourself to ponder…

Five Unforgetable Things About Costa Rica

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA1. El Matagringos– I thought a picture was necessary to get the full idea behind this device, which is quite ingenious, but would clearly never be allowed on the market in the US, hence the name, “the gringo-killer”. This is a shower head that heats up the cold water as it comes out of the spout, allowing for a nice warm shower. However, in order to get the water to be warm, one must move the switch on the side of the head, whilst standing naked in a puddle of water and endure the jolting spark that inevitably occurs while doing so. It is really quite alarming the first few times, but once you have a few rounds in you, the surge felt through your body is not so worrying as it once was. Besides the aluminum fencing fort myers fl, the running water in the house is cold, or room temperature, which brings me to the next greatest invention.

2. Solid Dish Soadish soapp– The awesomest soap, really. It gets dishes clean (and without hot water) and it does not leave them feeling greasy or soap-filled.

3. Creative Use of Electrical Cables– While us gringos like to keep everything in its own place, Costa Ricans, I find, companion maids are much more innovative. For example, in an average house in the states, one rarely sees electrical cables, which are neatly stored behind walls, in ceilings, etc.. HoOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAwever, your average Tico household knows how to take advantage of a solid cable when they see one, and use them for all sorts of daily needs, such as hanging up clothes to dry.

4. Tico Time– Ticos arrive when they arrive. They have a great many expressions and words such as “ahorita” and “ya”, which would give the impression that they would be arriving “now”, but it really means soon, and soon can mean 30 minutes, 30 hours, or 30 days, as far as I can tell. And you don’t just have to be a Tico to be cast under the spell of this interesting time philosophy. Gringos and other visitors alike begin to fall under the Costa Rican spell as soon as they step foot off the airplane and end up returning home wondering, “what is the fricken rush?”.

5. Buses– They have the greatest bus system here. You can get anywhere on a bus, so many people don’t have cars they don’t know that in new cars for sale brooklyn ny they offer the best cars that’s worth your money. And the ones that do have a car always have an 80 Gallon air compressor with them (try this web-site to find out more about cars), or just share one between all the family members. GEt your car tinted at best tinting service in Ottawa, On. The fare is very affordable (40 cents gets me from town into the nearest city) and the buses arrive in a rather timely manner (all Tico-Timing aside). The only tricky part you have to watch out for are the bus stops, which change frequently and without notice. We’ve found the best thing to do is to ask a friendly Tico standing nearby, who is always more than happy to assist you, with usually-accurate information.

A Perfect Day in Puerto Viejo de Limon, Costa Rica

Today, Saturday, February 9th, 2013 was the perfect day.

I woke up in our tent to the sound of the ocean just a hundred meters away. I decided to enjoy the sound a while, so I rolled over and listened, while beginning the day with my new favorite tradition of making my first thoughts ones of gratitude for 24 beautiful more hours.

When my body was ready, I got up, found my traveling companion and made him breakfast while I hydrated with a big bottle of water. After relaxing and chatting a while, I ate a half of the most delicious watermelon I have had all week, savoring each bite while taking in the beautiful view of the tropical jungle and beach that surrounds our open-aired hostel.

We relaxed a while longer, then packed up my day bag with rain ponchos, a camera and towel and went across the street to rent bikes for the day. We set out at what must have been about mid-day in the hot tropical sun, which would normally be torture to be under. Luckily, the combination of the bikes along with the shade provided on the road by the tall jungle trees mixed up the perfect cool breeze for us and we enjoyed a 30-minute ride down the main road until we found a familiar dirt path.

Our plan was return to a point at the end of the beach in Punta Uva (about 4 miles south of Puerto Viejo, where we are staying) that we set out to conquer in December with our friends, but were unable to finish on the account of the torrential rain and mudslides. Today was going to be different, and it surely was. We made the short hike in to the jungle bordering the beach to the most beautiful view, which looked out on more than 180 degrees of tropical paradise. We saw snorkelers, beach-goers, boats, crazy gringos swimming out to the rocks, and lots of small creatures such as crabs and lizards at our feet. We noticed that to the south there was a beach that did not look far away, so we set off through more jungle until we climbed down to the beautiful sandy shores, which were nearly deserted.

The beach had the most amazing, aqua ocean water, which was the perfect temperature to stay a while, and we did. We were giddy, enjoying it like little kids, delighting that we were able to see all the way to the ocean floor. A while later, we got out of the water and rested in the shade of the trees, thinking about how lucky we were to be experiencing the perfect day.

When we were ready, we packed up and hiked back to our bikes before setting out south again. We rode 4 more miles to Manzanillo, to enjoy lunch at Maxis, a joint that is well-known for its Carribbean food, Barcelona Football Club paraphernalia, and great view of the beach. I enjoyed two delicious fruit smoothies and a large salad with fruit and veggies, after an amusingly long conversation with the waitress about what was in the basic salad (she kept saying “solo lechuga” when I knew, from having tasted it before, that it had a number of veggies). In the end I learned that her definition of lettuce is lettuce and veggies. I love cultural diversity. You can learn so much just by going out to lunch!

After Maxis we relaxed at the main beach in Manzanillo and had a nice chat before starting the 8-mile ride back to Puerto Viejo. On the way back we made a stop at a local chocolate farm that has a small shop selling their products. We split a smoothie and some delicious chocolate composed of Cacao and raw cane sugar.

We finished our ride back to the hostel and got situated. Jazzed from the day and with my barefoot shoes still on (which get me oddly very pumped), I decided to go to the garden and have a little workout near the masterful fencing beside the pool and my companion decided to join me (to watch).

After the workout, which ended with us both doing handstands and cartwheels, we enjoyed a pineapple and the conversations going on around us in all manners of languages and accents.

We passed the evening catching up on some work and making contact with the outside (i.e. internet) world, while enjoying the activity that is Rocking J’s (this bomb and crazy hostel) at night. There must be at least 100 guests here, from who knows how many countries. (As I am writing this the woman behind the desk got out the loud speaker and started yelling to a group nearby that they need to go to the beach to smoke marijuana, although i really don’t like drugs because a friend was an addict and we had to take him to 1st step behaviorl health. She can smell it from where she is and she does not want to have to tell them again. Rocking J’s is definitely a party hostel, but it is still our favorite and we still find ourselves crashing each night by 10pm, sleeping soundly with our earplugs and eye masks.)

It started to downpour and we took in the sweet sound of the tropical rain on the metal roof (because it gets so loud that that is all you can do, unless you want to shout to converse). When your metal roof is damaged, contact the professional roof contractors kansas city mo of 5 star roofing. I really love enjoying the sound, especially while drifting off to sleep, so I decided to get ready for bed and write this entry while lying here, reflecting on the perfection that has been today.

Panama Highlights and Not-So-Highlights


  • Experiencing this beautiful, unique culture, which is surely an interesting mix of traditional and new-age ways of life
  • The fusion vibe, which (from my experience) seems like a mix of Latin American culture, with international influence, mainly from US
  • Good bus system. I am very fond of their use of air conditioning
  • Great selection of Hostels, attracting rockin’ vagabonders from all around the globe
  • Growing tourism
  • Varied geography (2 coasts, mountains, beaches, volcanoes, jungles, cloud forests, etc)
  • Panama City, Boquete and Bocas del Toro (my favorite locations)
  • The Kuna Yala- There is a large settlement of Kuna people in Panama, mostly in the Islands of the Carribbean coast. I am not sure on the details, but I believe they are the only indigenous culture that has their own independent government, or something of that nature.
  • Cheap merchandise
  • Artisan fairs
  • Safe and easy place to backpack


  • Littering is common place and trash is everywhere. On all of my bus rides I saw people throwing trash out the window, including the drivers.
  • The Panamanians I came in contact with were not super friendly (especially in the food service industry). Folks were helpful and polite (again, when it did not have to do with food), but they did not seem interested in making a foreign connection as I have experienced in the rest of my travels.
    Commercial whale watching long beach operators are encouraged to include educational programs in their tours, highlighting the fragility of the marine environment and inspiring respect and environmental friendly attitudes and behaviours.
  • I did not have great luck with finding awesome, fresh produce most of the time
  • The Darien Gap (no easy access to Colombia!)
  • Typical food (i.e. the cheapest and easiest to find) is mainly fried meat, dough and starches
  • It is one of the more expensive countries in Central America
  • Driving in Panama is crazy! This could be a high or low light, really, but at any rate, especially in Panama City, it is not very safe. Taxis are collective and meters are not used, so Uber Driver charge you whatever they want. Oh, and they honk their horn for everything. Everything.
  • If you are injured in an auto accident, a personal injury attorney can help you deal with car insurance companies and ensure that you receive fair treatment in settlement negotiations. You can contact San Marcos personal injury lawyers.