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I am an appreciator of life, a nomad, a health nut, a fitness geek, a growth junkie, a lover of nature, and the list goes on. In short, I'm totally into being weird, unique me, sharing my joy and experiences with the world, and inspiring others to find their own unique selves.
Although I have always been a traveler at heart, 4 years ago I decided to dramatically change my life and take to the road full time. Now I love living out of my 19-liter backpack, or in Winnie, my 19-foot Winnebago Micro Warrior camper, spending my days enjoying partner acrobatics, running my business and appreciating life.
I love connecting with the world by through my videos and articles, by running festivals and retreats around the world, and during one-on-one coaching sessions. I attend and teach at events throughout the year, where I offer oral presentations and classes in partner acrobatics. In addition to connecting in groups like this, I also enjoy relating with others one-on-one, which is why I offer coaching and chat sessions.