
Simplify: A Guide For Your Unique Journey by Brittany

SIMPLIFYCoverGo minimalist, overhaul your life and start living your dreams. Learn more about this self-guided program here.

Simplify Guide- $75
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Simplify Guide with Coaching- $145
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Creating Epic Relationships program by Conor and Brittany

Creating Epic Relationships is a program created to help you dive deeper in transforming your relationships, with yourself, your partner(s), and the world. This program is comprised of tools for learning what we have found to be most important elements of creating and developing badass, healthy, unlimited relationships. This is your unique program, which you can follow on your own, with a partner(s), or with various loved ones.  After over a decade of intentional development of ourselves and the relationships we share with others, especially with our romantic partners, we are eager to have brought our skills and strengths together to create this unique program for you.
Learn more about this program here.

Creating Epic Relationships Program- $150
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Creating Epic Relationships Program + 1 Hour-Long Coaching Session-$225
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Simple Healthy Food: Recipe Book & Prep Guide by Conor and Brittany

simplehealthyfoodSimple Healthy Food was created with the intention to offer you a recipe book that not only provides tasty, fun recipes to try out, but also guides you in learning how you can create such recipes on your own. We are excited to share many of our favorite meals with you that are simple, healthy, and delicious. All the food showcased here is plant-based, mainly comprised of sweet and savory fruits, vegetables and leafy greens, with no cooking involved.

Offered in PDF form, this book is split into sections, including an introduction with kitchen and eating tools, smoothies, monomeals, ice creams, and savory meals such as salads, noodles and wraps.

Learn more about this ebook here.

Simple Healthy Food: Recipe Book & Prep Guide-$19.99
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EpicRawRecipesFrontCoverEpic Raw Recipes by Brittany

Created in 2013, Epic Raw Recipes features delicious sweet and savory dishes ranging from simple to moderate preparation. All recipes use whole, plant-based foods and require no cooking.

The book is currently available in PDF format and will be emailed to you directly.

Epic Raw Recipes-$8.99
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Productivity & Organization Products by Brittany

for Creating & Managing Your Ideal Life

Budget Sheet Template [Excel]
Are you interested in creating a budget, tracking your finances, or planning out what financial abundance could look like in your ideal life? In this Excel spreadsheet I share my own simple budget template, which I have refined over the past decade or so of using.

Having a simple, working knowledge of Microsoft Excel is suggested for utilization of this spreadsheet. There are three worksheets included (which you can switch between using the bottom tabs). The first is my own personal and business spreadsheet. The second is the business spreadsheet I use for my joint business with Conor, and the third is a blank template, which you can fill in with your own categories and numbers as you see fit.

I love helping others organize their lives and dream up their ideal futures! If you are interested in having a custom budget sheet created for you, please purchase a coaching session with me, where we can go over your desires and plan one out together, which I will create for you and teach you how to use. Learn more about budgeting in this video.

Budget Sheet Template [Excel download]- $9.99
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Time Map Template [Excel]
Do you ever wonder where all your time goes? Are you wanting to create more space to do the things that you love? In this Excel spreadsheet I share my own simple time map template, which I have refined over the past 5+ years of using it.

Having a simple, working knowledge of Microsoft Excel is suggested for utilization of this spreadsheet. There are two worksheets included (which you can switch between using the bottom tabs). The first is a blank template for your own personal design. The second is one of my designed time maps, so you can see what one could look like once it is created.

I love helping others organize their lives and dream up their ideal futures! If you want to better understand how to create a time map for you, or how to use one to track where your time is currently going, please purchase a coaching session with me, where we can go over your desires and plan one out together.

Time Map Template [Excel download]- $9.99
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Fertility Chart
If you are interested in tracking your fertility cycle, using the Fertility Awareness Method, you may enjoy downloading and customizing this chart. If you are interested in learning more about natural menstrual health resources, tips and products that I recommend, check out this page.

My Fertility Chart Template [Excel download]- Free
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